These types of optical illusions can be very funny. You look at a picture one way, see an image, and when you look at it from another angle the picture is completely different. Try to get your eyes fixed on the pictures below, and see for your self.
An old Man, or a Couple kissing under an archway of ivy.?
How many persons and faces do you see.?
Do you see faces or vases?
Just how many feet has this Elephant.?
Do you see a nnative indian og an Eskimo.?
Do you see 3 faces.?
Do you se a Donkey or a Seal.?
The head of a Duck ? or a Hare.?
Similar to the above picture
Can you see 2 faces on each picture, Nr.1= A young lady and an old lady, Nr.2= a young man and an old man .?
Do you see the Face of a Liar.? --- Tilt your head downwards to the right
A man playing Saxophone, or the Head of a young lady.?
Do you see 3 or 4 boards.? argh !
Does these flight of Stairs stand on the Floor, or are they hanging from the Ceiling. ?
Most people see a Skull when they first look at this picture, but it actually shows a Couple sitting at a table.
Look at the
four dots in the center of the circle for about 30 seconds.
Then close your eyes and tilt your head back.
You'll see the circle - keep your eyes closed!
Some seconds later you will see something in the circle...
This is not an
optical illusion but a demonstration
of the conflict between the right and the left half of your brain: Look at
the text and read the colours, not the words!
The right half of the brain tries to say the colours, the left half insists
on reading the text.
Have fun !