Welcome to Ruth Fullerton's Homepage.
I have made this homepage mainly  for my family and friends, but all others who might be interested are more than welcome to come inside and have a look

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Under Family   I am telling  about the Fullerton family, though I find my Husbands pages most interesting, and exiting.    

Interests  shows some of my interests and hobbies, like Bonsai, our Dogs, RAOK, and others

Seniorpage.  I have made  this  for all of us  who have turned 50 + with many  good links to ,  Museums,  Painters, Gallerias, Health, Food, Netdoctor and much more. Plus a description of what I find  most interesting too see in my homeland Denmark-

Links  is a page with a lot of links to informations and, what I find are some interesting sites to see and enjoy, and also can be useful  in the daily life.

Our Dogs  here I am telling the  story about the dogs we have had over the years, and something about how it is to experience the extreme delight  one has, when living with  dogs, the trusted  friends, that will never let us down, no matter what !

Hand-Alphabet  is showing  the International Hand-Alphabet.  Why I learned it !  Also some links to sites that are  made for  deaf people.

Kids Place  leads to some sites on the net, made especial for children, with small games, coloring books, and a Harry Potter-page

Star signs  is for those interested in astrology. ( It is under under construktion, soon to come out in English )


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