The story about
my Aunt Signe Munk Vest
This is the story about my legendary, fantastic,
self-sacrificing Aunt who´s
story from Greenland I here will share with people that might be interested, since she was a
very amazing woman. Her name is still kept in many an old
Greenlanders heart, and her story and name are forever written and remembered in
historie books
Signe Munk Vest was born
2.21.1909. She died in Denmark 1.22.1980..
Signe Vest who was a very skilled and respected Nurse in Denmark,
accepted in the year 1932 an request from Greenlands - administration to
become a leading Nurse in a needy district in Greenland, where she was
supposed to be the leader of the Health-Services in the district called (Angmagssalik),
today Ammassalik, where she
took up the difficult work there from 1932 to 1955.
Until the construction of a hospital in 1956, Nurse Signe Vest ensured
basic medical aid for the area around Ammassalik
In the year1946 there eventually came an educated doctor to Ammassalik.
Never the less, Signe continued her
work in the district until the year 1955, except
for one year where she took a job as a substitute nurse in another town in
Greenland called Scoresbysund.
Before the doctor arrived in 1946, she had had some very eventful and busy years doing all the work
alone, in the small hospital in Ammassalik, with only a few
"helping hands” in form of some local Greenlanders she had taught to help
with various work, such as looking after the patient´s
necessities, and do the cleaning and the like. The rest was Signes
responsibility. She even did a lung-operation on a very sick patient that had got
a sevire abscess in one of his lungs.
The only help she had in her effort to save this poor man was to operate via a doctor over the radio constantly, step by step, telling her
what to do next , under the operation. She managed it all, and the
patient soon became well and healthy again, under her nursing and caring
In Ammassalik in the
winter 1935-1936, all of a sudden, an epidemic broke out. The situation became
acute and very intense, and also, the mystic sickness was very infectious, and
furthermore, the sickness seemed to brake out
of unknown occasions.
The well known Danish artist and painter Gitz-Johansen, who spend the year 1935
in Ammassalik, and therefore lived through the epidemic, thought the
sickness must have come from a sort of plague-bacillus.
The whole district, (except from the northernmost small town Sermiligaq) was hit by
this dreadful sickness.
In the town Ammassalik every one of the Greenlanders
became very sick.
Signe Vest drove on her dog
sledge every day,
to visit all the houses in the district, without
fear for herself being sick.She was not resting, she worked round the clock for
many days.
She later told : "For
three weeks I slept with my clothes on, ready to move out if a sick-call
suddenly came....That indeed was a hard time"
Gitz-Johansen wrote (quote)
:"In the small Settlement Igdlomiut, not far from Ammassalik
the entire inhabitants was sick.
Signe came daily and
promptly, and without fear for the danger of infection ,she walked into the small
huts, crawled up in the plank-beds to the sick children, men, or woman, so she
could listen to their breast and give them alleviating medicine, and try to calm down their fear
It must be told
here: Seldom, or never, have I seen such a sacrificing and
unselfish work as that
Signe Vest accomplished in that winter they later
called Death-Winter. No Doctor could have done it better!! ( end
og quote)
It was for certain Signe Vest’s clear opinion, that the fact, that so many people had died from the sickness, and also, that so many people was being hit by the mysterious illness, had to do with the fact that, the Greenlanders had a very poor resistance to the civilizations diseases.
The sickness furiously raged for 2 month. At that time 10% of the district’s inhabitants were dead.
Afterwards much of Signe´s time and
capacity for work, she spend taking care of the 123 children the epidemic
had torn their parents from, and now were left orphan.
She made a
childrens home for them where they could grow up,be taking care of, go to
school as other kids, in fact, she was like a mother
to them all.
a leave in 1938-39 (the only leave she took in 13 years) Signe Vest wanted
to improve her professional
After having finished that, Signe decided that from now on it was
her main task to track down tubercle-patients as soon as possible, isolate them
in a tubercle-institution she had established in a house that, originally was meant
to be an old- people’s home in Ammassalik. But Signe found it of the utmost
necessity, to provide the best possible treatment for the tubercle-patients, by
giving them the best conditions she could give, by looking after them, give them
good nutritious food, fresh air, and kindly care.- There simply was no other
treatment in those days.
also happened that the doctor from Julianehaab,Laurent Christensen took
the sailing trip to Ammassalik, where He and Signe Vest
together performed the necessary operations
Signe was much interested in
Very often Signe Vest had to deal with the different problems on her own .
Sara Helms, (a Danish doctor) who was in Ammassalik long before she, herself, became a doctor,
tells from that time(quote): I remember one time when Signe´s best
handyman on the hospital suddenly became seriously ill with an abscess in one
of his lungs.
Signe detected ( without x-rays) where the abscess was located in the lung.
Since the poor patient became more and more ill, in fact he was dying,- and
considering that he might if not treated, Signe decided to put a drainage-
tube into the sick lung; but she had no form of,- either local- nor
universal anaesthetic on the hospital at that time. So Signe explained to the
patient what she intended to do, and, that it sure would hurt a lot, but the
operation was necessary.
She gave me the task to hold the patient in fixation under the operation.
That part the poor man courageously coped with, by taking one of my hands,
and ask me to, with my other hand; take a good grip in his hair an
pull it really hard, if, and when I saw, that it hurt badly-and while Signe cut
into the lung and got the drainage-tube put in place, I took a tremendous grip
in his hair, while he squished my hand so hard that it was aching for many days.
But never mind my hand. The drain worked fine, and the patient was
soon much better and recovered completely.(end of quote).
Signe Vest returned home to Denmark, she adopted a little Greenlandic- boy,
whom she named
Ole Munk Vest ..
She took him with her home to Denmark and gave him the exceptional, loving and
caring childhood and upbringing
Munk Vest will always be remembered, loved and honoured, long time forward, of
all the people who knew her
The Greenlandic National hymn
(midi file arranged by Egon B. Lauridsen
Ammassaliks Town arms