Herunder Awards og Gaver jeg har modtaget til min Hjemmeside.
Venlige og rare mennesker har betænkt mig med disse smukke Awards og Gaver til min hjemmeside,
for hvilke jeg er meget taknemmelig og glad.  Stor tak til alle !!!


Ruth Fullerton

On behalf of the RAOK Awards Committee. You've been selected as recipient of our award.  Congratulations!  While observing your hard work and diligence creating an astounding webhome, it's our profound wish to recognize you of your

Thank You RAOK Award Committee


Thank you Karma


Thank you Wystful


Congratulations Mutti, Way to go
Love and hugs Lynda

Thank you Lynda


Interesting and informative site you have
        Thank you for sharing. Your friend   Leeza*           

Thank You Leeza*


Thank you for  the Hand Alphabeth on your homepage
What a thoughtful thing to do. A great help for those who need it,
Here is an award to you

Thank You Sonya



Members of Garden of Friendship

Thank You Garden of friendship 




Thank You Cinders


Nicole & Steff

Thank you Nicole  and Steff


To Ruth Fullerton, 
          who made this fantastic homepage.

Thank you Didi


" Brønden ved Kirkepladsen " 
malet af kunstmaler Jørgen Ibenfeldt.
Foræret mig af Bente og Jørgen Ibenfeldt

Tak Bente og Jørgen


Award from a RAOK Friend

Thank  You RAOK Friend     


Hi Ruth. Just had a visit to your interesting
homepage, and found it both sober and very well done.  
        Keep up the good work.    Here is a gift for you

 Your RAOK friend Alicia

Thank You  Alicia






This is my gift to you.



  Thank You Camomile



Thank You Gramma MiMi



"Hello" is such a little word,
but when it's sent your way
it says so many friendly things       
that longer words can't say"
Angel Hugs!  RiRi

Thank You RiRi 


Thank you Wystful 1


The Dove of Peace flies from site to site, through as many countries as possible. 
Please help it make a line around the globe by taking it with you for your site.
Right click on the dove and save to your own hard drive.  Thank-you!


Thank You Renelf



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