I am married to Douglas Fullerton.
The name Fullerton is a Scottish name.
The original Scottish clan Fullerton have their native soil on Isle of
Bute, an
Island located in the south-west part of Scotland. The Fullerton clan have
roots way back to
Mary Stewart
Queen of Scots.
That rather interesting information I found out by doing a lot of research about
the Fullerton clan, and also by studying genealogy, which in turn, is one of my
here to see a bit of Scotland and Isle of Bute
A short "Curriculum
Vitae" about my part of the family Fullerton
and I are both in our seventies, healthy and still going strong.
As mentioned above, Douglas`s Father John Daniel Fullerton was born in Scotland.
But he and his family immigrated to Australia, when he was just a young man. In
Australia he studied religion, and soon became a fully educated minister, He did
not work as such for a longer period, since he soon felt that he was
"called upon" to be a missionary.He was determined to go to China.
Before he left Australia for fulfilling his mission , he studied medicine, and
graduated the first part of that exam. He did that in order to be able to, at
least be of some help, in case of some sicknesses he probably would meet out
there, and be somewhat prepared to help.
Shortly thereafter he went to China, where he settled down and began his
missionary work
In China he met a female missionary who came from Denmark. Her name
was Martha Roenager. After some time, they got married and settled down in
the southern Yunnan, where they together
build a missions station, a school and a small church for the Chinese
people living in the area.
We have recently got some information from Beijing, that the old missions station that Fullerton’s
build nearly 80 years ago, probably are still standing, and are being
used for the very same purpose
as it was so many years since.
Fullertons build their home on a mountaintop near the town Jiangcheng.
As the years went by, Martha gave birth to three sons, with her
husband John helping her as a "midwife" bringing their children into
the world. Later they adopted a little Chinese girl who had been left an
orphan. The boys were named respectively Kenneth, Douglas (my husband) and
Bertrand. The little girl was named Rose.
Martha and John Daniel Fullerton stayed in China where they continued
their missionary work for almost
thirty years. However, every ten years ,they had to take one year of vacation in
Denmark, in order to be acclimatized.
on Picture to see Photos from China
At one time Mr. Fullerton was told by some commercial travellers, that an
rebel army was on their way towards
Laos, trying to overthrow the King and his Land.
Fullerton travelled immediately to Laos where he gave this
information to the government of Laos.
He informed them, that the rebellion army was before long approaching.
Fullerton offered to help with translating from French to Chinese and reverse, if necessary, and also he offered to trying to mediate.
Sisavang Vong of Laos, was at that time in negotiation with China and
( today Vietnam ) and he was very thankful toward Fullerton for the
information’s, which urged him to quickly gather his army in Laos, so they could
stand ready, and immediately throw back the intruders,
Fullerton did not look at his help as ”a mission of his life,” but in
accordance with the truth,
the informations he brought to the government did help, so that the attack on Laos was indeed soon over, the power of authority
remained in the hands of the true ruler of the Kingdom,
King Sisavang
Vong of Laos. Furthermore, it was indeed a big task, solved mainly because
of Fullerton’s resourceful effort.
As a reward for this achievement the King made Fullerton a Knight of his royal
“ The Million Elephants and the White Parasol “.
This event took place in the royal Palace in the government-City Luang Prabang
in the year of 1928.
The Order itself is rather
beautiful, with enamel in varied shade and gold inlaid, and is mounted on a nice red silk ribbon.
The certificate to follow
the order is written in Laotic and French language
for map and pictures from China and Luang Prabang
to see Order and Certificat.
Since this Order and
certificate was not by law ment to be retracted in case of death, it
is now our son John Fullerton’s property, given to him by his Grandfather John Daniel while he was still alive,
as an inheritance, and it is a valued reminder of a very self-sacrificing man,
and a good Grandfather
already mentioned, Douglas was born and raised in China where he lived his
childhood jointly with his family, and with the Chinese people
and children around them, in the small area where the missions station was
( their mothers homeland ) in order to begin attending an ordinary school.
Douglas came to live with a family ( well known to his parents ) living in a
village called Lyngby, a bit north of Copenhagen, and here Douglas began to go
to school regularely as other Danish children.
Already as he was eighteen years of age he graduated high school from Lyngby State
After that he studied on the Polytechnical University in Copenhagen where he studied to
become a graduate engineer with an academic degree. After finishing that,
he also became an architect
and I met each other in the year of 1948, and in 1950 we were married.
Shortly thereafter we together started our own engineering company, where
Douglas mostly was occupied with,- and devoted to,- build and construct
larger motor work plants, and automobile showrooms, both here in Denmark
and in Sweden.
He also build a lot of family houses, real estates, villas and cottages.
So all in all we had a lot to do in those days, which we enjoyed very much.
for my self, I was born here in Denmark, in Copenhagen, but I lost both my
parents as I was just
an infant.
Fortunately my Grandmother took care of me, I spend my childhood years under her
roof, and from Her I learned about the most valued things in life.
She was good to me, and although it is hard on a child to have lost her parents,
my Grandmother taught me to deal with the fact, and go on with my life, trying to make the best
of it, and to consider myself worthy, and show it, by helping others less
fortuned than myself.
As I had finished high school, I began studying nursery. After a couple of
years I graduated and became a trained children’s nurse. After that I took an extra
exam in nursing sick children on a nearby children’s hospital. After
graduating I took my first job in a children’s nursery home, and stayed there for
five years, as a leader of the baby section, five wonderful years I found
it, since I love working with children
my marriage to Douglas Fullerton, I found it necessary to take an exam as
an interior designer in order to help out in our
So I did, and began working in our engineer firm where I had some very busy
years, working with organizing and decorating offices for f. ex. chiefs of
sections, rooms for office staffs, restrooms, canteens and the like. I also did
some interior decorating in private homes, which I found was most interesting and satisfying
in that line of work
and I have, in all respects, and in every way, the best son one could wish
His name is John Fullerton-(named after his Grandfather)- He is an
educated, trained air pilot.
He became, in a very early age, an air-Captain in Sterling Airways A/S.
Years after, when he got married and had children, his choice was to stop his flying
He is today working as a coordinate in the big firm ABB: Asea Brown Bowery.
Since he is a first rate capacity inside the data processing, he has been an
invaluable help and support to lean on,
and my teacher under the construction of my homepage, without him, I’m not sure
that I would have made it so far. Thank you John ! : o )
John has two wonderful children, Philip 21 years of age and
Schannie 26 years.
Schannie has a lovely little girl, Malou, now 5 years. So Douglas
and I are
blessed with both grandchildren and a grand-grand child. Photos of the family
few years ago we sold our engineering company, and are now able to enjoy "the
third age", as we call it.
We have a lot of interesting things going on, and a wonderful
family and friends to attend to, so we are very happy to still be around.
Douglas and I are very interested in computing, and are using our
computers every day.
One day,all of a sudden, I thought: Why not make my own homepage
I did, and here is the result !